Partner institutions from Uganda are involved in the following active Africa-UniNet projects:
- P006_Namibia_Uganda | The Phosphorus Negotiation Game – SDGs in Action
- P037_Ethiopia_Mozambique_Burkina Faso_Kenya_Uganda | Interfaces for integrated land/water resource management
- P042_Namibia_Ethiopia_Uganda | Indigenous fruit and nut trees (IFNT) as market opportunities for small-scale farmers in Namibia, Ethiopia and Uganda: cultivation, nutritional value and screening of secondary compounds for anti-diabetic properties
- P053_Kenya_Uganda | Marine spatial planning for sustainable use of Lake Victoria
- P055_Kenya_Uganda_Ethiopia | Bio-ethanol producation from sweet sorghum stalks grown in varied agro-ecological zones in Africa
- P056_Eg_Gh_Ke_Moz_Ng_SA_Ug | Biosorbents for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
- P082_Uganda | Land Use and Land Cover Change Effects on Water Quality Characteristics of the Maziba Sub-Catchment, Western Uganda
- P085_Kenya_Uganda | Optimizing Black Soldier Fly Value chain for Sustainable Aquaculture and Food Security in Kenya and Uganda
- P095_Uganda | Solar driven agri-food processes
- P105_Uganda | Effective Resolution of Exponential Diophantine Equations
- P107_Ethiopia_Uganda | Engage for Non-Gender Discriminative Higher Education
- P110_Uganda | Establishing Diverse Application of “Luffa Aegyptiaca” for Functional Objects Production
- P124_Kenya_Uganda | Sustainable Tourism enhancement in the Lake Victoria region, East Africa
- P133_Uganda | Strengthening research and training for development of a sustainable African Catfish Breeding Programme in Uganda
- P139_Uganda | Regional climate change impact and mitigation strategies in East Africa
- P142_Uganda | Uganda-Austria Collaboration in Algebra and Geometry
- P143_Kenya_Uganda | Re-Use, Reduce and Re-Cycle Rice Residues for Climate Smart Agriculture and Soil health in Rice farming systems in East Africa