Burkina Faso
Country Representative
Dr. Adama Oueda (Université de Ouahigouya) oueda14@yahoo.fr
Member institution

Université de Ouahigouya (UOHG)
The University of Ouahigouya (UOHG) is a Public one in Burkina Faso. It evolved in December 2017 from the polytechnic that existed in Ouahigouya. The University of Ouahigouya wants to be a center of excellence offering quality training and attaining high standard research responding to the need for sustainable development. Its mission is to train qualified human resources for the socio-economic development of Burkina Faso. For this, the university is based on the following values: discipline, commitment to work, ethics and accountability.
Founding member
Membership: Since 2020
Dr. Adama Oueda: oueda14@yahoo.fr
Dr OUEDA Adama is a senior scientist and lecturer, from University Joseph Ki-Zerbo where he made an important contribution to institutional development in terms of teaching, research, administrative management, offering and delivering services. His main achievements include students’ supervision (more than 25 masters and 5 PhD theses), curricula design, publications (more than 40) and building relationships with universities like BOKU University (strengthened through the Susfish and Susfish plus projects), the University Nangui Abrogoua (Cote d’Ivoire), the University Abomey Calavi (Benin), and the University of Lomé (Togo), He is now appointed as Vice-President in charge of Teaching and Pedagogic Innovations of the newly created University of Ouahigouya. In this position, his main challenge is to promote innovation and develop curricula adapted to the new global environment, with national and international cooperation as the main important tool and opportunity.