Partner institutions from Kenya are involved in the following active Africa-UniNet projects:
- P030_Kenya | Decoloniality of Research and Learning Methods in the Global South: A Transdisciplinary Book Project
- P037_Ethiopia_Mozambique_Burkina Faso_Kenya_Uganda | Interfaces for integrated land/water resource management
- P053_Kenya_Uganda | Marine spatial planning for sustainable use of Lake Victoria
- P055_Kenya_Uganda_Ethiopia | Bio-ethanol producation from sweet sorghum stalks grown in varied agro-ecological zones in Africa
- P056_Eg_Gh_Ke_Moz_Ng_SA_Ug | Biosorbents for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
- P059_Kenya | Sustainable networks for using next generation quantitative genetics to modernize breeding programs in Kenya
- P083_Ethiopia_Kenya | Gender Inclusion Partnership: Peanut Production Improvements and Aflatoxin Mitigation for Food Security and Nutrition in East Africa
- P085_Kenya_Uganda | Optimizing Black Soldier Fly Value chain for Sustainable Aquaculture and Food Security in Kenya and Uganda
- P086_Kenya | Revisiting Climate Change Mitigation Potential in Smallholder Farming Systems in Kenya
- P096_Ethiopia_Burkina Faso_Kenya_Morocco | Enhancing Multiple Levels of Disaster Risk Management Professionalization
- P103_Kenya_Lesotho | Strengthening Mental Health Awareness among Secondary School Students in Kenya
- P109_Kenya | Enhancing Climate and Water Smart Agriculture Solutions in Kenya through Capacity Building in the use of FAO-WaPOR Web-based Tool
- P118_Ethiopia_Kenya | Partnership for Seed Systems Development for Resilient Food and Nutrition Security in East Africa
- P124_Kenya_Uganda | Sustainable Tourism enhancement in the Lake Victoria region, East Africa
- P136_Kenya | Mabadiliko ni sasa (Change is now): Co-designing a science-based climate peer-to-peer training for Kenya
- P143_Kenya_Uganda | Re-Use, Reduce and Re-Cycle Rice Residues for Climate Smart Agriculture and Soil health in Rice farming systems in East Africa
P147_Kenya | Towards Positioning Lifelong Learning For Women Empowerment In Turkana County, Kenya: A feasibility study