
Partner institutions from Namibia are involved in five currently active projects.

The Phosphorus Negotiation Game – SDGs in Action


Danube University Krems, University of Namibia, Kyambogo University

Project description

Health risk assessment of food borne mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in staple foods in rural northern Namibia


University of Namibia, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Project description

Indigenous fruit and nut trees (IFNT) as market opportunities for small-scale farmers in Namibia, Ethiopia and Uganda: cultivation, nutritional value and screening of secondary compounds for anti-diabetic properties


University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, University of Namibia, Debre Tabor University, Kyambogo University

Project description

Sustainable Fertilisers from Fly ash

P058_Namibia_South Africa

Danube University Krems, University of Pretoria, University of Namibia

Project description

Mechanistic Studies of the Vascular and Cardiac Effects of the Aqueous Calyx Extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa


Medical University of Graz, University of Namibia

Project description