Engage for Non-Gender Discriminative Higher Education
Cooperating countries: Uganda, Ethiopia and Austria
Coordinating institution: Gulu University, Okello Gregory Nicholas, n.g.okello@gu.ac.ug
Partner institutions: Nkumba University, Debre Markos University, Johannes Kepler University, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Project duration: 1 December 2023 - 30 November 2025
Engage for Non-Gender Discriminative Higher Education (ENGENDER) is a capacity-building project. Gender inequality has proven to be a persistent problem that affects academic and management services in Higher Education (HE) institutions in East Africa despite the measures that have been undertaken to address the issue. The main objective of ENGENDER is therefore to enhance gender equality and empowerment of women and other marginalized groups by implementing a policy cycle and by introducing novel measures in HE institutions in Ethiopia and Uganda, using a process of shared expertise in a North-South partnership.
ENGENDER will increase the enrollment of female students and the inclusion of women in academic and leadership positions while strengthening the academic competencies and capacities of female staff and raise awareness amongst men. Gender equality will be promoted in educational programs through curricula development and inclusive pedagogy. In research, gender equality will be promoted through education in gender sensitive methods. The joint research will provide strategic measures to address gender equality in HE, in addition to resulting in joint publications and disseminations. Women and marginalized groups’ academic capacity will be further strengthened by implementing procedures for handling gender discrimination and sexual harassment and the establishment of an East African Network for Gender Research. The ENGENDER project shall contribute to the ideals of SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 16 and 17.