Optimizing Black Soldier Fly Value chain for Sustainable Aquaculture and Food Security in Kenya and Uganda
Cooperating countries: Kenya, Uganda and Austria
Coordinating institution: Maseno University, Erick O. Ogello, eogello@maseno.ac.ke
Partner institutions: BOKU University, Busitema University
Project duration: 1 June 2023 - 31 May 2025
With the increasing impacts of climate change on food production systems in East Africa, food and nutrition insecurity is threatening many families, leading to high prevalence of malnutrition, poverty and diseases. This calls for climate-smart propositions with triple wins of 1) increasing food production, 2) enhancing system resilience and 3) ameliorating climate change. Through integrated aquaculture initiatives, this proposal will stimulate an innovative circular economy model that uses Black Soldier Fly (BSF) as a bioreactor to convert organic biowastes into quality proteins (larvae), bio-oil and organic manure. The BSF larvae are alternative source of protein in feed formulation for fish and other animals. Meanwhile, the organic manure is useful for horticulture. This project will produce BSF-based aquafeed for feeding Nile tilapia and catfish. The main input commodity in this initiative is environmental biowastes. The biowastes will be collected from homes, markets, abattoirs, breweries, grain stores etc., by local youth and women. The wastes will be used as substrates to feed BSF larvae in portable crates at backyard homes. Adult BSF will be cultured in cage nets, and eggs collected regularly for hatching and growing into larvae in crates containing biowastes. The BSF larvae will be harvested and used as protein source in processing animal feeds (for fish, chicken and pigs). Organic manure, which is a byproduct, will be harvested for use in horticulture crops. This project supports cottage fish feed industry and intends to solve the problem of fish feed scarcity especially for low-scale fish farmers in local communities.