Strengthening research and training for development of a sustainable African Catfish Breeding Programme in Uganda
Cooperating countries: Uganda and Austria
Coordinating institution: Busitema University, Waisawa Wilson Mwanja wwmwanja@yahoo.com
Partner institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
Project duration: 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2026
As the leading farmed species and a basis for the rapidly growing aquaculture sector in Uganda, there is strong demand for improved African catfish broodstock and fish seed due to its faster growth and survival. Amidst this demand, poor performance of the current broodstock and fish seed hinders the growth of aquaculture in the country. This project seeks to provide a solution by improving broodstock management practices and establishing a foundation for selective breeding of African catfish. The African catfish hatcheries obtain and use parental stock from either natural water bodies without adhering to scientific guidelines in selecting the broodstock with unknown genetic background, or from genetically degenerated and limited number of broodstock held in fish farms for extended periods of time without replacement, which leads to inbreeding depression and consequent poor performance of the produced fish seed. Additionally, Uganda continues to face challenges of limited expertise and weak public‐private sector partnerships hence impeding the sustainability of the investment. Given this background, the project will; 1) evaluate hatchery propagation, and suitability of different populations for aquaculture and broodstock management practices of African Catfish in Uganda, 2) survey and genetically profile the wild and farmed stocks of African catfish in Uganda, 3) work with key actors and set up a National Breeding programme for African catfish in Uganda and 4) strengthen research cooperation between BOKU and BU partners towards enhancing the scientific and institutional capacities in higher education, research, and management of the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The activities aim to enhance aquaculture productivity through an improved understanding of hatchery propagation and broodstock management, facilitate informed decision-making in aquaculture practices through comprehensive genetic profiling of wild and farmed African catfish, and strengthen research cooperation to increase scientific and institutional capacities, foster knowledge exchange and joint initiatives for sustainable aquaculture development. For sustainability, the project results will be disseminated through non-technical leaflets, posters, and various channels, aligning with national policies in Uganda and contributing to the achievement of key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG1, SDG14, and SDG 17).