
Country Representative

 Dr. Leonard Madzingaidzo (Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre)

Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre (SIRDC)

Colorful lettering and ornament © SIRDC

The Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre (SIRDC) was established by the Government of Zimbabwe in February 1993 under the provisions of the Research Act Chapter 10.22 with a mandate of:

  • Carrying out strategic research and development (R&D) for the benefit of manufacturing, service, agricultural and mining sectors of Zimbabwe
  • Collaborating with other local and international institutions and universities in strengthening local R&D capacity and its application to industrial processes
  • Adapting imported technology to suit local needs
  • Providing consultancy services to local and regional enterprises
  • Promoting technological partnerships and quality culture in business
  • Serving as a repository and disseminator of information on technology

Its performance is measured half-yearly in three key result areas (KRAs): IR&D, Industrial support and IR&D Commercialisation. It has twelve IR&D institutes and operates in cross-cutting disciplinary teams based on the Stage Gate ® Process. It is a member of WAITRO, RRA, KAFACI, KOPIA among other networks.


Founding member
Membership: Since 2020


 Dr. Leonard Madzingaidzo

Dr Leonard Madzingaidzo is the Chief Executive Officer of SIRDC since 1 July 2023. Prior to this appointment, Dr Madzingaidzo was the Executive Director - Technical, superintending over the work programmes of the 12 SIRDC research institutes. He joined SIRDC in February 2000 as a Research Scientist in the Biotechnology Research Institute and assumed the position of Acting Director of the Institute from May 2002 until September 2003. Dr Madzingaidzo was then appointed substantive Director of the newly established Food and Biomedical Technology Institute in March 2003, and briefly led two research institutes, concurrently. In January 2005, he was elevated to the position of Executive Director - Technical. 

Before joining SIRDC, Dr Madzingaidzo had working stints namely, at the Dairy Marketing Board (now Dairibord Zimbabwe Limited), Standards Association of Zimbabwe and Cairns Foods Limited. Over the years, he has gained valuable experience in Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Research and Development, Technology Transfer, Commercialisation, and Management of Intellectual Property Assets.  

An accomplished leader and scholar, Dr Madzingaidzo was born on 14 November 1969 in Harare.  For his early education, he attended his lower and upper high school in the same city.  He holds a Bachelor of Technology (Hons) degree in Applied Biology and Biochemistry (1st Class) from the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) obtained in 1992; MSc in Biotechnology (Merit) from UZ obtained in 1994; and PhD in Biotechnology and Biochemical Technology (Suma Cum Laude) from the Vienna University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (BOKU) Austria, obtained in 1999. He is a beneficiary of Academic Scholarships from the Government of Zimbabwe; The Netherlands: Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) for MSc Studies at UZ and Free University of Amsterdam; and the Austrian Government through the Austrian Academic Exchange Service (OeAD) for Doctorate studies at BOKU and Vienna University of Technology.

Dr Madzingaidzo is currently a board member of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe and sits on the Advisory Board of the Korea Partnership for Innovation in Agriculture (KOPIA). He has previously served as Chairman of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee of the Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI) and as Vice Chairman of the Trade Measures Board under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Dr Madzingaidzo is a former member of the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) and Women’s University in Africa (WUA), University Councils.

His scholarly achievements, professional membership and membership to various Boards enabled Dr Madzingaidzo to make great impact in society as well as towards regional development aspirations of Africa.  His representation of SIRDC and Zimbabwe on the Austria-Africa UNINET will add value to the success of this multi-country initiative.