About Us

hand reaching into a big bowl which is filled with citrus fruits © BOKU/Melcher Andreas


The Austrian-African Research Network Africa-UniNet was initiated to create a long-term, stable basis for cooperation between Austrian and African universities and research institutions. It intends to promote new contacts, deepen scientific cooperation and provide excellent opportunities for innovative joint research projects.

More information about the goals and the structure of Africa-UniNet can be found in the section About Africa-UniNet.

Africa-UniNet Office

The Africa-UniNet Office was set up at OeAD-GmbH for the operational implementation of the network , the organisation of the general assembly and the board meetings, and as support for the Africa-UniNet president. Furthermore, funding of specific activities will be administered by the Africa-UniNet office and will be implemented in the form of funding calls.

More information about the Africa-UniNet Office and its team can be found in the section Africa-UniNet Office.

Presidency, Board and Country representatives

For more informaton regarding the respresentatives of the Presidency, the Board and the Coutry representatives, as well as their respective tasks, please have a look at: