About Us
General Information
The Austrian-African Research Network Africa-UniNet was initiated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and launched by Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU).
Its objective is to create a long-term, stable basis for cooperation between Austrian and African universities and research institutions. Africa-UniNet intends to promote new contacts, deepen scientific cooperation and provide excellent opportunities for innovative joint research projects.
Goals & Tasks
As stated in the network’s statutes, Africa-UniNet has the following main goals and tasks:
- Promoting cooperation between academic institutions
- Initiating research projects and research & education projects based on common interests
- Establishing a solid communication structure between Austrian and African higher education institutions and scientific institutions
- Creating a platform for long-term science discourses
- Establishing contacts with governmental and non-governmental organisations
- Providing expertise on the higher education and research landscape in Austria and Africa
- Raising donations and third-party funds
- Other cooperation, such as in the area of further education
Organisational Structure

The diagram above shows the primary bodies and positions within Africa-UniNet.
All representatives of member institutions from the same country nominate a Country Representative. Country Representatives will regulary meet in national network meetings. They are entitled to vote the members of the Board at the General Assembly.
The General Assembly includes one Representative of every member institution. Its meeting takes place every second year, alternating between Austria and a country in Africa. In the General Assembly, the Country Representatives elect the members of the Board. All persons who represent a member institution are eligible for election.
The Board must consist of 3 Austrian and 3 African Representatives.
The members of the Board shall appoint the President from among their number and the Vice-President on the proposal of the President. If the President comes from Austria, the Vice-President shall be elected from among the African members of the network and vice versa.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Hasenauer of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) serves as the President of Africa-UniNet since its constituent phase in 2020.
To support the operational tasks of Africa-UniNet and to ensure continuity throughout the presidencies, the Africa-UniNet Office was established at OeAD-GmbH. The Office is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).