P037_Ethiopia_Mozambique_Burkina Faso_Kenya_Uganda
Interfaces for integrated land/water resource management
Cooperating countries: Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Uganda and Austria
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Andreas Melcher, andreas.melcher@boku.ac.at
Partner institutions: Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia), Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute (Ethiopia), Debre Tabor University (Ethiopia), University Zambeze (Mozambique), University of Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso)
Associated cooperation: Egerton University (Kenya), Kyambogo University (Uganda), International Institutie of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Project duration: 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2023
This project focuses on interface zones (buffer strips and trees/crops next/relatively‐close to streams/rivers/wetlands/lakes) by gathering evidence from literature, experimental sites and pilot studies in different catchments in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique and Burkina Faso. To restore and sustain the health of crucial natural habitats and ecosystems, knowledge of functioning ecosystem services needs to be improved and applied. This network programme will look at all aspects of catchment management, in relation to climate change and socio ‐ecology. The specific focus will be on land‐water interfaces for climate change relevant activities that contribute to a serious erosion reduction, an increase of carbon sequestration, water infiltration, water holding capacity, and ground water level, to cope with drought and floods, plus N and P management to increase water quality for human consumption, ecosystem integrity and fish production. Gender and diversity will be integrated as a cross cutting issue, especially in terms of:
- agriculture and gender adaption capacity,
- forestry and biodiversity, and
- water quality and ecological integrity of inland waters.
Increasing uncertainty owing to global change mandates that we improve methods to generate knowledge about what trends and mechanisms underlie the qualities of socio‐ecosystems that sustain a better world. To monitor impacts, the SDGs offer potential targets and indicators for assessing progress toward achieving the Agenda in 2030. Five pilot projects, represented by our Africa‐UniNet partners, will provide the practical material for catchment management using ecosystem‐based approaches and naturebased solutions. How this global change relevant activities can be managed and established at catchment level will be discussed based on other projects handed in to this call by African partners. This will expand the international and geographical perspective while increasing the knowledge base:
- Gender‐specific, adaptive capacity on Climate Change and Food Security Status ‐ A catchment approach to agro‐forestry land‐water systems.
- Woody plant based res-toration in the Upper Catchment of Lake Tana.
- Strengthening Research and Adaptive Management of Buffer Zones in Lake Tana catchment.
- Strengthening community‐based research for river health and climate change mitigation in Eastern Africa
- Rural women productive resources and their resilience to climate changes