P079_Burkina Faso_Ethiopia
Rural women productive resources and their resilience to climate changes
Cooperating countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Austria
Coordinating institution: University of Ouahigouya, Adama Oueda, oueda14@yahoo.fr
Partner institution: BOKU University, Bahir Dar University
Project duration: 1 June 2022 - 31 May 2023
In Burkina Faso, more than 80% of the population lives from primary sector. Women represent more than 52% of this population and are generally pivotal to the organization of the household's economics. In the actual context of climate change, access to productive resources as well as the transition from tradition to modernity creates and/or worsens social disparities, increasingly exposing vulnerable layers of society such as female in many African countries. Although 95% of the female population in Burkina Faso is involved in agriculture, development policies do not sufficiently address gender issues in the access to productive resources and technologies to cope with climate change.
However, a lot of work and information are available from the scientific literature but are not always accessible to decision makers, stakeholders and concerned people. Providing better informed policymakers and stakeholders can help establish effective policies to improve fair access to productive resources and reduce vulnerability to climate change. To share information on best practices to face climate change, we will organize an international symposium in Burkina Faso on “Rural women productive resources and their resilience to climate changes”. The symposium will be based on a participative approach through interactive exchanges for knowledge and experiences sharing. Social simulation will be used to for this purpose preceded by a literature review and stakeholder interviews. Hence, rural women access to productive resources can be fixed and their resilience to climate changes via a multi-evidence based addressed.
All contributions will be gathering to write a policy briefs, recommendations, peer reviewed conceptual papers and a book.