Project completed: P068_Nigeria_Ethiopia

Quality Education for all: Designing and Implementing Digitized English Language Learning System for Secondary School Education in Africa
Cooperating countries: Ethiopia, Nigeria and Austria
Coordinating institution: Redeemer’s University, Professor Adebola Adebileje, adebilejea@run.edu.ng
Partner institution: Debre Markos University, University of Innsbruck
Project duration: 1 May 2022 - 30 April 2024
The main objective of this project is to develop a strong network among 3 universities involving `the faculties of education/humanities in Redeemer’s University in Nigeria; Debre Markos University in Ethiopia and University of Innsbruck, in Austria. It specifically aims to produce specialized digitized teaching/learning System/App for teaching English at the senior secondary level and to promote advising/consulting roles among the collaborating institutions. Hence, the three institutions will be jointly designing and implementing a task-based digitizedlanguage teaching/learning system for English at the senior secondary school level in Africa to support students in challenging times (covid-19) and to facilitate language learning for all students (regardless of e.g.disability, gender, race, religion, social and economic status). This strongly aligns with three of the SDGs: SDG 4, SDG 5 and SDG 8.
To achieve this, a 3 member research team will be set, one from each of the collaborating institutions. Criteria for team membership selection are based on expertise in Task-based language learning/teaching concept, Software development, e-learning, Curriculum Design and Development, English as a Second Language, and English as a Foreign Language. To achieve this goal of the project, the team members will engage in assessing and identify gaps in the teaching methodology of the English language of partner institutions at the senior secondary school level. Similarly, in line with the revised teaching methodology, task-based teaching/learning modules will be infused where appropriate, with a digitized learning system that will be designed. Digitalization will include live coverage of physical classroom teachings by near-native speakers of English as well as recorded clips.It is expected that the project will contribute immensely to online teaching at the senior secondary school level and provide seamless access to quality education of many learners in Africa, especially during pandemics.