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Project completed: P039_Burkina Faso

Raymond_Ouedraogo holding the new SUSFISHBook

Promotion and Literature Awareness in Sustainable Fisheries and Water Management Transformation Pathways for Africa Fisheries and Water Management Transformation Pathways for Africa

Cooperating countries: Burkina Faso and Austria

Coordinating institution: University of Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso), Dr. Adam Oueda, oueda01@yahoo.fr

Partner institutions: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

Project duration: 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022


The aim of this project is raising awareness for fish and water management in Africa and the Global North. The team will promote a new Book “Sustainable Fisheries and Water Management Transformation Pathways for Burkina Faso” globally and locally, the most important activity will be to translate this Handbook, 150 pages, and the corresponding Fish Species Handbook into French and the most widely spoken language in Burkina Fa-so, Moorè. The book will be used as popular scientific publication in public, but also in Schools, Vocational training institutions and Universities. A comprehensive and helpful literature and publication database is also included. This book results from 10 years of development research in the fisheries and waters of Burkina Faso. The work was carried out by a consortium of researchers and developers dealing with fish in Burkina Faso (Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research, University Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO, Uni-versity Nazi BONI, International Union for the Nature Conservation and General Direc-torate for Fish Resources) and Austria (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, University of Vienna) with the financial assistance of the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development. They all worked as team in the framework of the SUSFISH Project (Sustainable Management of Water and Fish Re-sources in Burkina Faso). The 2nd-phase undertaking lasted from 2011 to 2014 and from 2016 to 2020. Detailed information on the project is available on www.susfish.boku.ac.at. (excerpt from abstract)

Equal earth map of Burkina Faso
© Equal earth

Project Publication

Oueda A., Ouedraogo R., Somda J., Ouedraogo I., Silga RP., Mano K., Sanon V-P., Voigt C., Toe P. et Melcher A., (2023). Pêche durable et gestion de l’eau, Voies de transformation pour le Burkina Faso : Livre SUSFISH ; SUSFISH-plus Project Consortium – susfish.boku.ac.at/ 

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