20 Africa-UniNet projects form network between Austria and African countries

10. March 2021
A map of the world depicting a network betwenn Austria and African countries
In the framework of the 1st Africa-UniNet call 20 cooperative research projects between universities and research institutions in Austria and in African countries were accepted for funding. They cover a variety of topics and set out to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The projects comprise partnerships with institutions in 11 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. With six cooperations, Ethiopia leads the list of partner countries, followed by Uganda with five cooperations and Kenya and South Africa with four cooperations each (see figure on the right). In total, 18 different universities and research institutions from the African member countries are involved. Moreover, 10 different universities located in six provinces of Austria participate in the projects, ranging from Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, to University of Innsbruck, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and University of Applied Arts Vienna. More than half of the projects are coordinated by the African partner institution.

The projects are financed by the BMBWF with a total funding amount of ca. 500,000 euros for a project duration of up to two years. Their topics cover a variety of disciplines ranging from medicine, health, social work and sociology to agriculture, water ressource management and arts. They all share a cooperative and participatory approach, as well as the objective to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The names and partner institutions of the financed projects are listed below. The projects are currently in the contracting process and will start within the next months. More information will be published upon project start.

  • P003_Ethiopia_Nigeria | Enhancing Quality of Sociology Postgraduate Teaching and Learning through Staff Exchange and Collaboration among Three Universities | Debre Markos University, University of Lagos, University of Innsbruck

  • P004_Ethiopia | Multiple-mycotoxin in Sorghum: Food Safety Prospective and Mitigation Strategies in Eastern Ethiopia | Haramaya University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

  • P005_Kenya_DRCongo | Nutrient management of paddy rice fields in South-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo – Using UAV-imaging for a precision agricultural approach | Egerton University, Université Catholique de Bukavu, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

  • P006_Namibia_Uganda | The Phosphorus Negotiation Game – SDGs in Action | Danube University Krems, University of Namibia, Kyambogo University

  • P008_South Africa | Teaching the Global Goals: Exploring synergies between teacher education programmes and the Sustainable Development Goals | University of Pretoria, University of Innsbruck, University of Vienna

  • P010_Namibia | Health risk assessment of food borne mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in staple foods in rural northern Namibia | University of Namibia, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

  • P012_Uganda_Kenya | Strengthening community-based research for river health and climate change mitigation in Eastern Africa | Kyambogo University, African Centre for Technology Studies, Egerton University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

  • P017_South Africa | A Research of Doing | University of Applied Arts Vienna, University of Pretoria

  • P023_South Africa | The PLUS-UP European-African university network for Sustainable innovation and Health | Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, University of Pretoria

  • P024_Nigeria | The epigenetics of the spermatozoa of HIV-I infected men | Medical University of Vienna, University of Lagos

  • P030_Kenya | Decoloniality of Research and Learning Methods in the Global South: A Transdisciplinary Book Project | African Centre for Technology Studies, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, University of Innsbruck

  • P034_South Africa | Identity Work of Black African Female Employees and Managers in White Western Private Organizations in South Africa and Austria – Aspects of Gender Equality and Decolonization | Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Pretoria

  • P037_Ethiopia_Mozambique_Burkina Faso_Kenya_Uganda | Interfaces for integrated land/water resource management | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Bahir Dar University, Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute, Debre Tabor University, Universidade Zambeze, University of Ouahigouya, associate partner institutions in Kenya and Uganda

  • P039_Burkina Faso | Promotion and Literature Awareness in Sustainable Fisheries and Water Management Transformation Pathways for Africa Fisheries and Water Management Transformation Pathways for Africa | University of Ouahigouya, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

  • P040_Nigeria | International Investment Agreements (IIAs) and the UNSDGs - Rethinking Approaches to Achieving Investment Protection and Sustainable Development in IIAs Deals in Nigeria | University of Lagos,  Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

  • P042_Namibia_Ethiopia_Uganda | Indigenous fruit and nut trees (IFNT) as market opportunities for small-scale farmers in Namibia, Ethiopia and Uganda: cultivation, nutritional value and screening of secondary compounds for anti-diabetic properties | University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, University of Namibia, Debre Tabor University, Kyambogo University

  • P045_Uganda | Transnational Action on Traditional Knowledge Ethos in Strategic Human Development | Nkumba University, University of Vienna

  • P048_Tanzania | Protecting Women in Tanzania: Prevention of Gender-based Violence through Indigenous Approaches | Institute of Social Work, Tanzania, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

  • P049_Ethiopia | Collaborative Monitoring for Sustainable Development of Lake Tana UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (Ethiopia) | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Bahir Dar University

  • P052_Ethiopia_Mozambique_Burkina Faso_Zimbabwe | Gender-specific adaptive capacity on Climate Change and Food Security Status - A catchment approach on agro forestry systems | Bahir Dar University,  Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre, Universidade Zambeze, University of Ouahigouya, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna