
21 new Africa-UniNet projects to start in 2022

3. March 2022

In the framework of the 2nd Africa-UniNet call 21 cooperative research projects between universities and research institutions in Austria and in African countries were accepted for …

Public consultation on the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

25. February 2022

The public consultation on the AU-EU Innovation Agenda was launched during the online workshop “The AU-EU Innovation Agenda for building stronger value chains for sustainable …

Online event: Implications of COVID-19 on higher education and research in East Africa, 26 November

12. November 2021

The expected public health catastrophe in Africa related to COVID-19 was not seen. However socio-economic and cultural implications have been experienced at different intensities.

2nd Africa-UniNet Call: 29 proposals submitted

8. October 2021

Following the 2nd call for proposals for research cooperation projects a total of 29 proposals were submitted. 37 out of 55 Africa-UniNet member institutions are involved in the …

Sub-Saharan Africa becomes a new priority region in the higher education sector of Erasmus+

29. September 2021

The countries of the sub-Saharan region are becoming more and more important for European policy and also for Austria. Funding programmes are massively increased to strengthen …